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We’re glad you’re interested in talking about GetSideways. Here are a few quick facts to get you started:


GetSideways is spelled without a space.


DJ married MCA’s oldest daughter in August of 2019.

9 to 5

MCA has been a software engineer for most of his life. He has created countless websites as a WebMaster and DVD titles as a DVD Producer before moving on to the iPhone development in 2007. He owns his own company, Altrius Ltd., that produces games for the Apple ecosystem. He was also the Lead Developer for the Wendy’s fast food app, created the Bath & Body Works app as well as many other apps in the AppStore. DJ is a journeyman electrician.

How It Started

MCA created GetSideways in July of 2020 but didn’t post a video to YouTube until October 11, 2020.

First Video

GetSideways first video was a reaction, as well as a tribute, to Eddie Van Halen and Eruption / You Really Got Me recorded by Van Halen. It was recorded the day Eddie Van Halen passed away.


MCA created the branding elements over a 3 month period after channel creation to just before the initial video release. These elements include the “classic” logo, “fiend” logo, color scheme, and intro elements. In addition he hired an artist to create the cartoon logos of himself playing the guitar and DJ riding a skateboard. MCA also designs all of the merch for the channel.


The initial vision for GetSideways was for MCA & DJ to escape everyday life of responsibilities and create crazy videos that show the fun side their lives. Being limited my mask mandates and other COVID related issues, they decided to start producing reaction videos where MCA shows DJ the music that he listened to growing up. Initially, MCA played a guitar riff as the intro to the song DJ was about to hear. It wasn’t until the summer of 2021 that they were able to begin filming the content they originally planned.


The following brand elements may be used for media purposes only. These elements are copyrighted by GetSideways. All Rights Reserved.


The following photographs have been provided for newsworthy publication and are only to be used for information purposes.